Bundle & Frontal Deals

Why choose London Virgin Hair?

Premium Quality - 30 day money back guarantee 
Long lasting: completely natural and chemical free
Celebrity endorsed
Affordable Prices
    Bundle & Frontal Deals
    Luxury Straight Bundles with a Lace Frontal 13x4" - London Virgin Hair
    Luxury 613 Straight Bundles with a Lace Frontal 13x
    Luxury Body Wave Bundles with a Lace Frontal 13x4" - London Virgin Hair
    Luxury Deep Wave Bundles with a Lace Frontal 13x4" - London Virgin Hair
    Luxury Loose Wave Bundles with a Lace Frontal 13x4" - London Virgin Hair
    Luxury Kinky Straight Bundles with a Lace Frontal 13x4" - London Virgin Hair